Sunday, November 16, 2008

confessions #4 run away

so on thursday, the 13th, my parents and i got in this HUGE fight. so i decided to run away. i left on friday after school. i came home and grabbed some clothes and i left. saturday morning i felt really bad, so i came home. my plan actually parents arent so harsh anymore. i feel really bad bffl said EVERYONE was worried....i didnt think that many people actually cared...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

confessions #3 confusion

omfg man...i like....REALLY like my friend eric...but he likes this other girl...and im pretty sure he likes lex too...what should i dooooo???? >.<
should i tell him how i feel? or should i just keep quiet and not ruin a perfectly good friendship?
i dont know what to do...i like him and all...but at the same time im enoying being single...
and if i DO tell eric how i am i supposed to tell him? last time i confessed to someone he laughed....
can anyone out there help me? :'(

Monday, November 10, 2008

CONFESSIONS. more about #2.

in school, ty and I have first period together; cooking.
I walk into the room after the bell goes, and ty completely ignores me. Not that that's any different than most days...
then second period, me, lex, ty and our friends eric and keely all have a spare, so we go chill in the library. everyone gets along the same as normal, but ty's being abnormally bitchy to me today.
third period was the rememberance day ceremony, and no one felt like sitting in those hard plastic chairs for an hour, so we ditched and went to lunch early. we're all sitting in subway, and for the most part we're all getting along. except me and ty. i mean, thats not really any different than normal, but it was worse today somehow.
whats going on man? what should i do?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

confessions #2...OH EHM GEE

okay, so on friday night i told my mom i was sleeping over at my bffl's house, but me and her went and hung out with our other friend and we ended up sleeping at his house. we were all chilling in the basement on ty's bed, but after awhile, lex got bored and went upstairs on ty's computer, so it was just me and him laying on his bed....the basement was really hot, so i took off my sweater and my jeans (i was wearing leggings under the jeans, and a halter top). i sat up to change the song that was playing, and next thing i know my top's undone. i was like whatever its all good its too hot anyways and we're just friends, so i just took it off. so now i'm laying there beside ty on his bed wearing nothing but my bra and leggings. then ty grabs my tit. i'm like whatever, cuz thats just the way we all are, lex too. so ty leans over me to change the song, and i'm like hey, why not, and i lick his cheek, again, cuz we're just like that. so he lays back down and we start talking again. about what turns us on. he's like i got a boner when you licked like dude i dont care. and then he like grabs my hand and makes me touch it. next thing i know he's trying to unhook my bra and kissing me. and taking off my leggings. i got kinda caught up in the moment, so i just let him. so then he starts suckin on my tits. all the while im just laying there, completely dazed. i dont really remember what happened after that, but i do remember that we banged.
i cant beleive i banged him! and that was my first time too.....god wtf is wrong with me!?
what should i do people? i need help...i'm so confused... >_<

confessions #1 feelings

so a few weeks ago i told my friend that i like him...and what did he say? he fucking laughed. i was sooo upset...i just about cried....i mean at least we're still friends...but he doesnt talk to me like he used to. i guess i totally fucked this up huh...god why do people always laugh at me when i tell them how i feel? its really not i the only one who has to deal with that? please god tell me i'm not...