Monday, November 10, 2008

CONFESSIONS. more about #2.

in school, ty and I have first period together; cooking.
I walk into the room after the bell goes, and ty completely ignores me. Not that that's any different than most days...
then second period, me, lex, ty and our friends eric and keely all have a spare, so we go chill in the library. everyone gets along the same as normal, but ty's being abnormally bitchy to me today.
third period was the rememberance day ceremony, and no one felt like sitting in those hard plastic chairs for an hour, so we ditched and went to lunch early. we're all sitting in subway, and for the most part we're all getting along. except me and ty. i mean, thats not really any different than normal, but it was worse today somehow.
whats going on man? what should i do?


  1. You're first mistake was letting him have his way with you, now he's basically going "Well, I got the chick I want, cool, now I don't have to be nice." Harsh, but true.

    Seocnd mistake was doing it with someone you're not dating, especially for the first time. Now I am aware that he is also a drug addict, never a good combination - trust me, I had a two year fling with a drug addict, no strings attached, however I got emotionally attached to him and it was severely heartbreaking to know that he didn't return those feelings, only used them to his advantage to be able to continue getting away with several one night stands essentially.

    I do have a question however; did you use protection? If not you might want to get checked, because I don't think your parents would be happy to know you have a kid and you're not in a steady relationship.

    Being a teenager these days is very confusing, especialy since society has changed so much and the boundaries and rules are not so clear. I know you do not know me, but I am here to talk to you and help you if you need it.

  2. :) I may be someone you know I may not, that is something you need to figure out for yourself. But regardless, my intentions are only to help clear the confusion you no doubt feel in your life, if your posts are anything to go by.
